
Challenge #8 Costume Dance Challenge

February 12, 2021

 Next week is Carnival so we are going to have some fun!! Let's dress up in a costume and dance!!

  • Throw the dice three times to get your dance challenge.


1. Pirate
2. Clown
3. Cat
4. Superhero
5. Baby
6. Free


1. Worried
2. Happy
3. Scared
4. Sad
5. Tired
6. Angry


1. Baby Shark
2. Robot
3. Swish swish
4. Jerusalema
5. Ride a pony
6. Free

  • Dress up in a costume with stuff you have in your house.
  • Play music and dance!!
  • Record a video and send to the teacher by classroom.

Here you have a example of this challenge.

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